Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Many Calories Are In Stir Fry Calories In A Stir Fry....?

Calories in a stir fry....? - how many calories are in stir fry

So I have a book that tells how many calories in various foods, like asparagus and mushrooms. But how can I tell how many calories in a stir fry vegetables, which contains 7 different?


jeandupr... said...

You what many calories in every way they use given, then add the figures Discover.

Phil G said...

Weight multiplied by calories per 100g - Repeat for each plant

Add the oil to be used (700 + Kc per 100 g)

Add the calories in sauces

In fact, most plants is low (10-per 50Kč 100g) and then see that oil.

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